A review of public records of campaign contributions and expenditures reveals that Mr. Saunders operates out of two separate addresses: the somewhat rundown 252 Shumway Street and 82 Garden Court in a stylish Amherst neighborhood. See the attached New York State Board of Elections reports which present contributions made and payments received by Saunders:
Why should we care about this stuff? First, it is election fraud not to live where you claim when you register to vote and you sign an affidavit stating, "The information above is true. I understand that if it is not true I can be convicted and fined up to $5000 and/or jailed for up to four years." In addition, one can only serve as a Democratic Committeeman in the Assembly District where one is registered. 252 Shumway is in a different Assembly District than 82 Garden Court. If Saunders lives in Amherst, he cannot be a Committeeman in Buffalo. Perhaps more importantly, false registration and party committee participation deprives the people of the affected area of necessary representation.
When we were there, the water line at an abandoned house one door away from 252 Shumway was leaking and flooding the street. I called the problem in to 911. My wife and I are Committee Members in Buffalo Delaware 21, WHERE WE LIVE. We call in water leaks, streetlight outages, pick up dead animals in the streets, and otherwise try to make sure that government services are being properly provided to our neighborhood. We participate in our home owners association, plant trees, and take responsibility for our community. Fillmore 20 is a poor neighborhood with many problems. It needs a committeeman, not someone who lives in the fancy suburbs for his own selfish purposes.